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Osmium-Institute Germany
Osmium-Institute Germany
Osmium-Institute Germany


Jewelers, goldsmiths and manufacturers are supported in a variety of ways.

The support ranges from assistance at trade fairs, provision of materials, creation of videos and calculations of offers to training and education.

But there is also a range of other support services, which we will explain in more detail below. These support services are primarily intended to provide easy access to crystalline osmium in order to get started smoothly with the business.

With osmium, you can first get familiar with the material and make first attempts, before series production starts.

Osmium own creations

Every jeweler can also show osmium jewelry from their own production and creation to the general public via the osmium partner websites.

Experience has shown that the easiest way to create your own jewelry is to use a diamond design and replace the diamonds with osmium as a single object or as a surface that replaces the pavé.

Creations can be shown on websites created for this purpose. One such website, for example, is www.Schmuck8.de. Here you can exhibit and display your jewelry.

If you have not yet created any jewelry, you are welcome to contact us to discuss how your jewelry will be marketed once your ideas have been implemented.

Please send us a short inquiry at info@osmium.com or call us at +49 89 7 44 88 88 88.

Osmium own creations
Osmium-Institute Germany

Free goods on consignment

We offer commission goods to every partner with a physical store so that they can display osmium in its beautiful crystalline form and sell it directly. However, we also offer support for the creation of your own pieces by providing consignment goods.

The acquisition of goods on consignment relates to three different areas.


Commission models

The commission recipient generally has the choice between three different models of cooperation, which can also be mixed for different pieces. Attached to this contract are the pieces listed, and that list contains the type of settlement for each piece according to the following three methods.

1) The commission recipient creates a piece of jewelry from one or more inlays. The inlay production instructions with the CAD files or drawings are handed over to the consignor, who has the pieces cut by wire-cutting, certified and priced at their own expense. The commission recipient now has five years from the date of delivery of the inlays to sell the piece of jewelry at their own price. Upon sale, the payments are due to the consignor according to the specified price calculation for the inlays. The osmium identification codes are combined into an overarching X-code for the piece of jewelry and the invoice amount for the pieces is paid to the consignor. If the piece of jewelry has not been sold by the end of the five-year period or is handed over before the end of the period, it shall revert to the consignor in its entirety and free of charge and must be handed over to him in undamaged and as-new condition. Any damage shall be repaired by the consignee before handover until the item is restored to as-new condition. The transportation and insurance costs shall be borne by the consignee.

2) The consignee creates a piece of jewelry from one or more inlays. The inlay production instructions with the CAD files or drawings are handed over to the consignor, who has the pieces cut by wire-cutting, certified and priced at their own expense. The commission recipient produces two copies of the piece of jewelry. He retains ownership of one of the pieces. The second one is handed over to the consignor free of charge. When drawing up the plans, the parties agree on a balanced ratio between the osmium used and the remaining costs of creating the piece of jewelry.

3) Discs and bars for resale can be issued as commission goods. In this case, the consignee is obliged to insure the pieces and to display them in the shop window. They are obliged to document the display with photographs. The commission goods are standard goods from the assortment of the consignor, which are remunerated with a commission rate or alternatively with a purchase discount of 11 percent when sold to the consignee. The goods remain in the hands and thus in the possession of the commission recipient as described in the attachment until the date specified in each case. The right of ownership remains with the consignor for the entire period until sale or return. The details of possession and ownership are stored in the Osmium World database.


Applying for goods on consignment

You can apply for goods on consignment. The goods must be insured during the time they are with a sales partner and on display. Theft and destruction must be taken into account. Proof of insurance must be provided.

A sales representative will be happy to visit you to discuss the consignment. If you would like to schedule a visit, please contact the hotline on +49 89 7 44 88 88 88.

Free goods on consignment
Osmium-Institute Germany
Osmium-Institute Germany
Osmium-Institute Germany
Osmium-Institute Germany
Osmium-Institute Germany
Osmium-Institute Germany

Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium GmbH

Kemmelallee 6
82418 Murnau am Staffelsee
Osmium-Institute Germany
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Osmium-Institute Germany