Osmium Institute

Osmium Institute
The osmium institutes certify crystalline osmium internationally and introduce it to the market. They do not participate in trading, in order to avoid any competitive advantage over traders or exchanges. The head office is located in Germany.
All osmium crystallized in Switzerland is scanned and measured at the German Osmium Institute and entered into the international osmium database for certification and registration.
The database is based on the so-called US rulings that the Osmium Institute Germany has drawn up with the US authorities on the import, use and declaration of crystalline osmium. Other regions who followed the example of the US Rulings are Canada, Australia, UAE and the EU as producer region and country of origin.
The unique crystallized structure of osmium is one of the reasons why it is impossible to counterfeit. The crystal structures serve, like a fingerprint, as an identifying feature. They are linked to an osmium identification code.
The transfer of ownership is guaranteed by a secure system, similar to a vehicle registration document, which is based on the owner change code.
You can find more information here: www.osmium-institute.com
Acquire osmium
Osmium institutes abroad purchase crystalline osmium directly from the distributor in Germany, who provides the certificate of authenticity in electronic form and certifies and guarantees its authenticity. The distributor for this is the German company "Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium GmbH".
Wholesale partners or retailers purchase crystalline osmium from national osmium institutes that carry out import, customs clearance and distribution in their own country.
Each piece of osmium to be sold must be assigned an eight-digit letter and number code with which it is delivered. The prefix, consisting of up to four characters, indicates the product category and customs marking in accordance with the US Rulings.
The code can be entered at www.osmium-identification-code.com to provide the owner with all the information about the current item, including the high-resolution scan. Included is information on weight, dimensions, chemical purity, high-resolution scans of the crystal structure and the current price.
Crystalline osmium can be ordered at www.osmium.com. Custom-made products with special geometries are calculated by using a service called Inlay Assistant.

Certify osmium
If a dealer or jeweler purchases osmium that is sold to them privately, the osmium identification code as a certificate of authenticity must be requested.
The Osmium Institute for Marketing and Certification of Osmium confirms the authenticity via the website where the code can be entered.
Signed and printed certificates can be requested for 70 euros each plus VAT.
If osmium is passed on, the new owner can also voluntarily register as a possessor in the database.
Buy osmium
When purchasing osmium from private sources, it is essential to check the authenticity of the material. Contact www.osmium-institute.com, especially if the offer appears to be very cheap.
However, osmium can then be purchased from private sources without hesitation. Since particularly the investors in kind earned an extremely high margin with osmium in the early days, it is sometimes possible to obtain osmium below the spot price. Osmium institutes often know people who would like to sell privately after a certain holding period.
Larger quantities of osmium should be purchased from wholesalers or from the Osmium Institute for the marketing and certification of osmium, in order to ensure product safety.
When purchasing, the current owner must provide the new owner with the osmium identification code for their piece. This gives the new owner access to the high-resolution scans through which the piece can be recognized beyond doubt by its crystal structure. This structure is absolutely unforgeable.

Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium GmbH
Kemmelallee 682418 Murnau am Staffelsee
Bruna RodriguesHotline: 7868386174